Friday, December 11, 2009

Yikes! I can't even blame the snow for lack of attention to my poor blog....

Not so recent photos....I'll update with newer photos soon! For now, you can enjoy photos of the bucket head backpack wearing duo.

Showing her boo-boo. She even has the perfect boo-boo face.

You NEED to wear oven mitts while wearing your backpack and bucket head, without a shirt, of course!

Can't forget the need to wear bucket shoes.....

Though we did recently get dumped with 14 inches or so of white fluffy stuff. I decided to bundle the kids up to go outside.

Getting ready to go out was like this......

Get Chloe dressed (as she stripped down to her diaper (or less) about 7 times today. Tuck pants into socks, shirt into pants. Put on pink snow pants. Put on chloe's pink hat and mittens. Put on her pink jacket, zip it up, put hood up.
Ask connor to look for his boots. Stop dressing Chloe to find Connor's boots. His boots are downstairs.
Pick up Chloe's boots as I head downstairs. Help Connor find his boots. Head upstairs. Get Connor's shirt on (again, strippers live in my house). Put on Connor's snow pants, boots, hat, mittens, jacket. Zip up jacket, hood up.
Chloe decides to take off her jacket, hat, snow pants. Fine, Connor and I head out. As we head out the front door, Chloe decides she NOW wants to go outside.....get her dressed, praying that connor keeps his clothes on.......
Get outside. In all of five minutes, Chloe has taken off her mittens, hood is down, hat is off, jacket unzipped and starting to take it I get them inside. Darn kids! Took longer to get them dressed to go outside than they stayed outside!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gee Jennie, lets do that again, wish I could have been watching, sounds halliarious (sp), very funny,. love mom